If you have received a case and it shouldn’t have come to you, you can now forward that case to any other speciality, without the sender having to re-do the referral.

Tap on the case info, or swipe left on the case in your inbox, to access the ‘forward’ feature via the double arrow.

A function to forward a referral to another on-call doctor, instead of having to retype all the same details. For example, discussing a septic hand with the surgeon only to be told I must discuss with the ortho.

Forward to any speciality

To find out more about the latest features we have released please take a look at the following Website: https://www.vulamobile.com/news-media/new-vula-features-highlights

Additionally if you have any questions or require any assistance do not hesitate to contact our Vula Support Team at support@vulamobile.com