Login to the Vula app:

  • Ensure the correct email address is used to login
  • Ensure that the password letter cases are correct
  • Check network connectivity

Every case in your inbox has a star next to it, and tapping that star will put the case in your ‘starred’ inbox. To see all your starred cases, tap the black star on the grey background at the top of your inbox.

This can help organize your inbox and make finding certain cases easier. For example, certain patients cannot be accepted immediately and need to be accepted at a later date. On busy days, it can be difficult to find those referrals. Therefore, starring the case allows for an easier or more effective way of managing your inbox.

To find out more about the latest features we have released please take a look at the following Website: https://www.vulamobile.com/news-media/new-vula-features-highlights

Additionally if you have any questions or require any assistance do not hesitate to contact our Vula Support Team at support@vulamobile.com