Once you have logged in to the web platform, you can access all sent and / or received patient's for you and your practice. 

Use the menu in the top left corner to navigate between these pages:

My patients

"My patients" will show you all of the patients you have sent and / or received. You can use the filters to show or hide active or archived patients and / or sent and received patients.

Practice patients

"Practice patients" will show you all of the patients sent or received by everyone who is currently part of your practice. You can use the filters to show or hide active or archived patients and / or sent and received patients.

When viewing a patient you will be able to see 3 columns of information.

In the first column you will see the patient information, the current sender and receiver of the patient and any referral history (if the patient was handed over or forwarded). 

In the second column you will see all the information that was filled in on the form in the app. 

In the third column you will see the chat messages about the patient. You can click on "Send referral message" to communicate with the healthcare worker who has sent or received the patient.